4 Reasons a Google Local Page is Crucial to SEO

Google Local icon on a map

Google Local icon on a mapHave you claimed and optimized your brand’s free Google Local  page (formerly Google Places)? Here are 4 reasons you should do so today:

1. Google Dominates Online Search

Everyone knows that Google is the king of search engines. If you want to rank well in Google, you need to play by its rules. Don’t be afraid to experiment with keyword inclusion and placement to see what gives you the best return. And by the way, when it comes to Google Local, don’t waste time: Google ranks factors the age of your Local page into its ranking.

2. It May be Your Only Digital Signpost

If you’re a young brand that hasn’t yet had the time or resources to build a strong online platform, your Google Local page may your only online outpost. Verifying this page, therefore, is critical to online exposure. Be sure to add your correct address, phone number, and any other pertinent information, as well as associating yourself with the relevant business category. For added engagement, don’t forget to include video and/or image content.

3. Reviews Are Your Best Friend

Google Local pages offer a clear ranking and commenting option. The personal recommendations of your clients are the best press any business can have. Furthermore, reviews containing relevant keywords can be gold for your search engine optimization process. Take the time to make review options accessible and attractive to your customers, especially the locals.

4. The Power of Local

It all comes back to creating local traffic. Google Local provides your brand with an online platform that targets your local market. Be sure to include location-specific keywords. Integrate active social media spaces. It’s all about making your brand easy to find, both online and in reality.

Ready to go Local? Give AWEBthatWORKS a call today – we’re always glad to lend a hand!

9 thoughts on “4 Reasons a Google Local Page is Crucial to SEO”

  1. Wonderful! It's really wonderful how Google turned itself into the Yellowpages of the internet. One must understand the importance of Optimization to get better visibility in the web. In order to get to the right place for a business, it should have a good local seo campaign.

  2. Provided 4 reason are very much significant for local SEO. Small businessperson should know this 4 key for getting better visibility in the web. Thanks

  3. I completely agree that Google is the king of search engines. Usually, people go to Google when they want to look for a good restaurant, or what movies are available, and the like. Hence, if you belong to the real estate business and Internet users are finding for a realtor, then your website should appear on Google or else your business won't be recognized.

  4. Thanks a lot for sharing this Incredibly useful article with us. These nuggets of knowledge can be used by SEO beginners and experts alike. I really appreciate it! Take care! Looking forward to reading your next post. Thanks a bunch for sharing.

  5. Usually, humans go to Google if they wish to attending for a acceptable restaurant, or what movies are available, and the like. Hence, if you accord to the absolute acreage business and Internet users are award for a realtor, again your website should arise on Google or abroad your business will not be recognized.

  6. Local traffic is important and that is one of the reasons why location-based marketing is booming. This is very useful for us SEO specialists. Thanks a lot for sharing this.

  7. If you are running some kinds of business then it is very important for you to get listed on Google local maps so that people living around you can easily access your business place and get your services. You provide four reasons for Google local page importance for SEO which are good enough for business owners to think about get listed on Google local page. I am very happy to read your idea for expanding business activities.

  8. Well, in the current times, if you do not pay attention to follow the Google ethics while carrying out SEO, you may have to face its dreaded consequences, because of the regular updates in Google algorithm.

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