Sue Sutcliffe’s Blog
March 14, 2021 is Daylight’s Savings ⏲️

Time to turn the clocks forward one hour! ⏲️
March 12th is National Plant A Flower Day 🌼

🌼 💐 🌸 ❀ 🌺 🌹 🏵️ 🌻 🌷 💮 🥀 ✿ 🌷
March 10th is National Hug Your Dog Day

March 8th is International Women’s Day♀

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality. Sue is an International Women’s Day Event Speaker and believes we need to listen to and advocate for the equality of all women — not … Continue reading “March 8th is International Women’s Day♀”
March 8th is National Proofreading Day

The majority of people who see a spelling or grammar mistake on your website will NOT do business with you, so proofreading is a skill that every owner/operated business must either master or delegate. Although we all have the luxury of autocorrect TIPS FOR PROOFREADING Circle back the next day and proof with fresh eyes … Continue reading “March 8th is National Proofreading Day”
February 25, 2021 is Purim

Purim is celebrated annually on the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Adar (and it is celebrated on Adar II in Hebrew leap years which occur every two to three years), the day following the victory of the Jews over their enemies. #Purim
February 17, 2021 is Ash Wednesday

February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” — Mother Theresa
February 15, 2021 is Family Day!

February 15, 2021 is National Flag of Canada Day

February 14th is Valentine’s Day 💌

Although most days one thinks of your romantic sweetie on Valentine’s Day, I can’t help to think about all the sweetie pies I’ve met along the way that have supported me and my family as an entrepreneur. As I hope you’ve heard me say often, I could not be more grateful to you for your … Continue reading “February 14th is Valentine’s Day 💌”
February 10, 2024 is Lunar New Year!

February 9th is National Pizza Day

#NationalPizzaDay #ThatsAmore #PizzaPie #FavoritePie #Pizza
February 8th is Safer Internet Day

We’ve been following Safer Internet Day via hashtags #SaferInternetDay and we are very pleased to hear all the conversation around this very important topic. Also pleased to discover a treasure trove of resources – from across the Insafe network of Safer Internet Centres and beyond on Safer Internet Day that we just had to share including: The Canadian … Continue reading “February 8th is Safer Internet Day”
February 2, 2021 is Ground Hog Day

February is Black History Month ✊🏿

I honour the living history of Black Canadians by remembering the events and ongoing legacy of slavery and segregation; celebrating the contributions and resilience of Black Canadians and challenging anti-Black racism everytime I have the opportunity to do so. My business — World Event Center — also sponsors events that raise Black Canadians up and … Continue reading “February is Black History Month ✊🏿”
January 28th is Data Privacy Day

Privacy & Access Council of Canada (
January 27th is Family Literacy Day

Family Literacy Day takes place every January 27th to raise awareness about the importance of reading and engaging in literacy activities as a family. Learn more about Family Literacy Day
January 19, 2023 is Get to Know Your Customers Better

18 Ways To Get to Know Your Customers Better #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay Today is Get to Know Your Customers Day a holiday that is held on the third Thursday of each quarter (January, April, July, October). Although I suspect this to be a made-up holiday, I agree whole-heartedly that three months is the longest you want to … Continue reading “January 19, 2023 is Get to Know Your Customers Better”
January 16, 2023 is Martin Luther King Jr Day in Canada ✊✊✊✊✊

Martin Luther King Day is marked every year on the third Monday in January to honour Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK), a Baptist minister and social activist who is known for his contributions to the American civil rights movement in the 1960s. His iconic 1963 speech “I Have a Dream” Speech became one of the … Continue reading “January 16, 2023 is Martin Luther King Jr Day in Canada ✊✊✊✊✊”