27 Facebook Groups About Networking in Durham Region


FacebookDid you know that there are 27 FACEBOOK GROUPS that contain the words… “Durham Region Networking”? and that you can refine the search to review only conversations and upcoming events or perhaps #DurhamRegion or individual municipalities names:


Facebook networkers beware!

Before you jump in a conversation be sure to read the rules – if it’s a group, or the invitation — if it’s an event. You don’t want to:

  • show up in black tie when everyone else in dressed for the beach
  • talk about business when it’s not cool to do
  • be embarrassed if group admin centers you out
  • have people laughing at you behind your back.

Contact Sue Sutcliffe, The Web Coach (Since 1993) for one-to-one coaching on this topic.

The diverse experience Sue Sutcliffe has gained as one of Canada’s digital marketing pioneers, will help your business or brand dominate the digital.
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