Google+ just announced at the I/O conference is that in just one year it has grown from zero to 250 million plus users making it the third largest social network in the English speaking world behind Twitter and Facebook.
Jeff Bulla’s recent post Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Google+ Anymore shared some other facts, figures and statistics that are worth noting.
- 150 million monthly users
- 75 million daily users
- Google+ active users spend over 60 minutes a day across Google products
- Google+ users spend on average 12 minutes per day in the Google+ (that is 360 minutes per month which compares very favorably to Facebooks 441 minutes per month)
- The Google+ team shipped a new build every day for the whole year, except one Friday in August. (that is what happens when you have deep pockets with Google+ rumored to have been developed at a cost of over $500 million)
- The time spent by users per month puts another face on previous reports that Google+ engagement was poor.
but in my mind a tour of this multifunctional social media platform tells the whole story…
[youtube id=”APPboEXMW1Q”]
and of course AWEBthatWORKS is always happy to provide you with training to get you up to speed fast on this social media space.