Popular social media sites affected by #Heartbleed Have you changed your passwords yet?

Time to change your password again!

How secure are your passwords? #GettingHackedSucksIf you’ve been reading this blog or following the news, you’ll know that there’s an encryption flaw called the Heartbleed bug which could have quietly exposed YOUR sensitive account information (such as passwords and credit card numbers) over the past two years.

Heartbleed has been dubbed the biggest security threat the Internet has ever seen, and Mashable’s post The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Change Right Now exposes some of the many popular websites effected, such as:

  • gmail
  • facebook
  • instagram
  • tumblr
  • pinterest
  • google
  • amazon
  • etsy
  • godaddy
  • flickr
  • youtube
  • dropbox

Although there is nothing you can do about what’s happened in the past two years, if you haven’t already changed your password, do it now and put a system in place that ensures ALL your passwords are changed frequently to something that is secure.

Get secure password tips here.

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