[VIDEO] Keeping your Facebook Private — the 2-click fix!


With Facebook Timeline on its way for everyone, there’s been lots of anxiety over some of its privacy loopholes. A chain message has been making its way across Facebook walls. Essentially, it asks everyone on your contact list to hover over your name and unsubscribe from their “Comments and Likes.” According to the message, this will prevent your posts from showing up in your friends’ sidebars and keep hackers at bay.

Not only does this sound like an awful lot of work – it doesn’t actually solve the privacy problems! Even if you unsubscribe from every friend’s comments and likes, it only hides these updates from you. All that information is still broadcast to the world at large.

If you want to keep you statuses, likes and comments more private, it’s an easy two-click fix. First, click on the arrow next to your name in the top-right-hand corner of Facebook. Select “Privacy Settings” from the dropdown list. Then, simply set your default privacy setting to “Friends.” Now, only your friends see your posts and activities on Facebook.

Want even more privacy? Set the default to “Only Me” and keep your info out of Timeline’s ticker feed. Remember: if you set your default to “Only Me,” you’ll need to change the individual privacy setting on every post (picture uploads, status updates and more).

Sure hope you enjoyed today’s social media tip and would love for you to add a comment below and share this video with your friends.

The diverse experience Sue Sutcliffe has gained as one of Canada’s digital marketing pioneers, will help your business or brand dominate the digital.
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