I apologize for any inconvenience, however #MarketingMondays #AskTheWebCoach and other non-billable activities are now officially on hiatus so I can take some time with grandbaby Curtis — who is too cute not to cuddle, and Dad (Curtis) who is in last two stages of Alzheimer’s disease can’t be left alone in hospital while Mom sleeps. No worries though. If you’d like some help finishing 2018 strong – sales-wise, you can see my availability and book me here. My new temporary hours of operation are Monday-Friday between 6:30 am – 10:30 am
I apologize for any inconvenience, however #MarketingMondays #AskTheWebCoach and other non-billable activities are now officially on hiatis so I can take some time with grandbaby Curtis — who is too cute not to cuddle, and Dad (Curtis) who is in last two stages of Alzheimer’s disease can’t be left alone in hospital while Mom sleeps.
If you’d like some help finishing 2018 strong – sales wise, you can see my availability and book me on my website here… www.suesutcliffe.com/schedule
My new temporary
Monday-Friday between 6:30 am – 10:30 am#WaveVideoADay
Posted by Sue Sutcliffe Speaker on Monday, October 29, 2018