Does your business utilize Kaizen Methodology?

You cannot improve what you do not measure.

One of my business mentors, long before I had a business, instilled in me a habit of always evaluation everything we did and ask ourselves, how could we do this better, faster and cheaper. That thinking served me very well, and years later, I learned where that came from and I’ve shared Kaizen methodology with … Continue reading “Does your business utilize Kaizen Methodology?”

Licence Plates are a great way to generate traffic! #101freeways

Licence plate

A long time ago I registered a short domain and bought a custom plate for our car on a wim. Not sure if it was my driving or people just being curious, but there was no disputing it, I was getting a ton of website traffic to the domain name I registered, and it was … Continue reading “Licence Plates are a great way to generate traffic! #101freeways”

Canadian Marketers need a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Solutions that Keeps Data in Canada


There is a ton of awesome CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Solutions on the market today, but finding one that does not leave my Canadian Business vulnerable from a legal standpoint — PIPED & GDPR — and lets me work from everywhere, has been a challenge. 91% of businesses with over 11 employees now have CRM … Continue reading “Canadian Marketers need a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Solutions that Keeps Data in Canada”

To you it is promotional material… #marketingfail


This morning when I got in my car, I had to get out again, because there was piece of paper on my windshield… Putting your marketing material — garbage to everyone but you — on someone’s dash is wrong on so many levels: When people discover paper on their car’s window (parked in their driveway), … Continue reading “To you it is promotional material… #marketingfail”

Are you finding 1/2 of your customers online?

Elance, the world’s leading platform for online work recently published the Freelance Talent Report, which states that… 71% of independent professionals polled are finding 1/2 of their clients and work online. but they don’t get into how freelancers, or for that matter other businesses find the new customers and work which is something I’m often … Continue reading “Are you finding 1/2 of your customers online?”

The diverse experience Sue Sutcliffe has gained as one of Canada’s digital marketing pioneers, will help your business or brand dominate the digital.
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