What Google learned from Canadian shoppers in 2018

shopping cart

Sarah Bradley’s blog post “Be speedy, be helpful: What we learned from Canadian shoppers in 2018” indicates mobile is essential in making purchase decisions. Here are some of the highlights: 45% of consumer’s online holiday purchases have been made on a smartphone and more than half said they’d used apps 86% of Canadians are shopping … Continue reading “What Google learned from Canadian shoppers in 2018”

Learn How To Build and Maintain a #WordPress Website Hands-on Workshop (Sat., Nov. 29, 2014) #DurhamRegion


Why not surprise them by building them a new website or blog that they can easily update themselves? Learn How To Build and Maintain a #WordPress Website Hands-on Workshop (Sat., Nov. 29, 2014) #DurhamRegion AWEBthatWORKS will walk you through the process in this 3-1/2 hour hands-on workshop: WordPress CMS (Content Management Software) installation/configuration Installation of an … Continue reading “Learn How To Build and Maintain a #WordPress Website Hands-on Workshop (Sat., Nov. 29, 2014) #DurhamRegion”

9 Tips on Choosing A Good Domain Name

Domain Names

DOMAIN NAMES are one’s ‘brand’ on the Internet. You can register one and use a domain name in your email address e.g.UserName@yourDOMAINname.com and it can also forms part of your website address e.g. www.yourDOMAINname.com and no one else can use it (unless you let them). Domain names are a worldwide commodity and therefore can be … Continue reading “9 Tips on Choosing A Good Domain Name”

10 Questions Every Social Media Marketer Should Ask in 2014

Did you know that ? 189 million of Facebook’s users are “Mobile Only” YouTube reaches more US adults aged 18-34 than any cable network The fastest growing demographic on Twitter is the 55–64 year age bracket. Are you staying on top of and leveraging the latest Internet Marketing Trends? These are only three of 10 Surprising … Continue reading “10 Questions Every Social Media Marketer Should Ask in 2014”

Pinterest Announces Secret Boards

Social Media Saturdays  Big news from Pinterest this week: Today, we’re excited to continue this tradition with a new feature we hope will make Pinterest even better—secret boards. Secret boards give you a place for things you’re not quite ready to share yet, like a surprise party, special gift ideas, or even planning for a … Continue reading “Pinterest Announces Secret Boards”

44 Mobile Apps for Social Media Marketers

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Welcome to another installment of Mobile Mondays! Does your smartphone have all the bells and whistles? This week, we’re featuring one of our favourite blogs: Social Media Examiner. They’ve created a list of 44 stellar apps for anyone looking to market their brand on social media. Some of the highlights include our own faves, such … Continue reading “44 Mobile Apps for Social Media Marketers”

Google+ Local: Have you claimed your page?

Google+ Local listings can be accessed via mobile search, web search, Google maps and  Google+. Searchers find information about your business and location. Google Local pages also incorporate the user-friendly Zagat review system. With over 50% of geolocational searches made on mobile devices, Google integrated GPS features into the Local program, which means mobile searches … Continue reading “Google+ Local: Have you claimed your page?”

Social Media Bootcamp (Tuesdays 6-9pm) Port Perry, ON [SOLD OUT]

August Early Bird Special

A series of hands-on workshops that will leave you knowledgeable in the value and operation of leading social media platforms and practices Build social media savvy, learn alongside a pool of business networkers, and boost your brand’s digital presence and drive new traffic just in time for the Christmas rush! Sept. 11 Social Media 101 … Continue reading “Social Media Bootcamp (Tuesdays 6-9pm) Port Perry, ON [SOLD OUT]”

June 2012 Training Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 44 Steps to Social Media Success 5Internet Marketing Strategic Planning 6Netiquette and Social Media Tips & Tricks 7Strategic Blogging 8Effective Blog  Writing 11Facebook for Business 12 Twitter for Business 13 Google+ for Business 14 LinkedIn for Business 15 Pinterest for Business 18 YouTube for Business 19 Online Accessibility  20 Foursquare for Business  21 Keywords  22 Facebook Pages  25 Klout  26 Hootsuite  … Continue reading “June 2012 Training Calendar”

New Twitter Means Business


Social media tweeps were atwitter in December when micro-blogging giant Twitter rolled out hot new features. Slimmed down and buffed up, new Twitter introduces business-minded expansions, including network-building tools, media embeds and—at long last—the Twitter brand page. Ready to make the twitterverse work for you? Connect with new tweeps The aptly-named Connect tab organizes your … Continue reading “New Twitter Means Business”

Watch This and Win! Brilliant Business Brand Uses for YouTube


Who’s using YouTube?   Businesses—lots of them. Is yours? In my October social media column in the Durham Business Times, I suggest plenty of ways to make this fast-growing marketing tool work for your business. But seeing is believing. Consider these viral video successes. The Old Spice Guy’s rich “Hello, Ladies.” Home Depot’s easy how-to’s. T-Mobile’s … Continue reading “Watch This and Win! Brilliant Business Brand Uses for YouTube”

SOCIAL MEDIA has two words but lots of meanings!

www.SocialMediaSpaces.com because there are ______ social media networks in the world today. Social media is content created by people using highly accessible and scalable publishing technologies that is intended to facilitate communications, influence and interaction with peers and with public audiences, typically via the Internet and mobile communications networks. The term most often refers to … Continue reading “SOCIAL MEDIA has two words but lots of meanings!”

The diverse experience Sue Sutcliffe has gained as one of Canada’s digital marketing pioneers, will help your business or brand dominate the digital.
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