10 Reasons WordPress is Better Than Wix (2019)

Wix or WordPress

Wix or WordPressI continue to recommend WordPress (with drag-and-drop plugins for those who prefer this) over Wix because there are so many disadvantages to a Wix website:

  1. COST – Wix is 20-25% more expensive
  2. TEMPLATES – Wix has far fewer templates and you can’t switch templates after your website goes live.
  3. NON-RESPONSIVE— Ipad landscape view is non-responsive.
  4. NOT PORTABLE – If you decide to move on to another platform you must rebuild your website
  5. SLOW DOWNLOADS – Codebloat and Javascript cause pages to download slower. Page speed is a ranking factor
  6. NAVIGATION – Menus only 2 levels deep, 30 pages only allowed
  7. HOSTING – All Wix websites are hosted on Wix’s server in the US. So Canadian Marketers who collect private information on their websites are non-compliant with PIPEDA.
  8. eCOMMERCE – Wix is not suitable for eCommerce it’s only for more simplistic uses. 
  9. IMAGES – Wix renames images cryptically. That is bad for SEO
  10. ADVANCED SEO – Is more difficult and so could cost serious marketers more money.
    • Wix doesn’t support the hreflang tag – bad for multilingual SEO
    • Robots.txt. htaccess files cannot be modified – bad for larger sites. 
    • Wix relies on client-side JavaScript to show content and links. If no JS, the site has no indexable content and no crawlable links. That is terrible for SEO on multiple levels.

Joshua Hardwick’s June 12, 2019 blog post “Wix SEO vs. WordPress: 6.4M Domains Studied” compares Wix and WordPress websites based on Ahrefs SEOmetrics. He concludes:

Wix sites don’t have a hard time ranking on Google. But if you plan on using SEO as a long‐term strategy, or you’re hiring an agency to do SEO for you, it may be advantageous to look into other platforms (not necessarily WordPress) for scalability and customization.

What am I missing?

Competition is good, but I don’t see any here. I see an all-in-one expensive proprietary solution that professional webmasters I follow do NOT recommend. So I decided to write this post in hopes it saves one more person from investing in a throwaway website. If you found this insightful or would like to add your feedback, please comment below.

The diverse experience Sue Sutcliffe has gained as one of Canada’s digital marketing pioneers, will help your business or brand dominate the digital.
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