Category: Inclusive Marketing
Is your marketing inclusive?

This marketer is on a journey to be an inclusive marketer, which I believe needs to start by educating myself and understanding the stereotypes around: Age Asian Americans Black people Indigenous people Latinos / Latinx LGBTQ+ people Disabled people Plus-size people Socioeconomic status Trans / Gender expansive U.S. Veterans Women that exist today. Although it … Continue reading “Is your marketing inclusive?”
Canadian Multiculturalism Day (June 27)

On June 27, Canadian Multiculturalism Day honours the many cultural communities that help build a strong and vibrant Canadian society. Take this opportunity to celebrate the cultural diversity that enriches us collectively and reaffirm your commitment to equity, inclusion, and mutual respect.
Google’s Inclusive Marketing Tool Kit

We need to be all in…. All ages. All genders. All disabilities. All ages. All genders. All beliefs. All cultures. All identities. All beliefs. All cultures. All backgrounds. All orientations. All perspectives. All backgrounds. All orientations. All people. All together. All in. All people. All together.
Is your business market-ready for LGBT+ travellers?

Diversity and inclusion are not only the right thing to do/be, I believe both are critical to our economy, so I was glad to see CGLCC’s website had online training. Initially I signed up for Navigating LGBT+ Diversity and Inclusion which was excellent and I highly recommend. Today I signed up for Travel Market-Ready Seminars … Continue reading “Is your business market-ready for LGBT+ travellers?”
Death, Systemic Racism & Another Humongous Security Breech :(

As a Canadian tweets abound regarding Pro-Trump Mob, I’ve got to say, I’m 100% with Ahmed Ali @MrAhmednurAli who wrote… As Canadians, we shouldn't be smug. What's happening in the US Capital could easily happen in Ottawa. White supremacy and white supremacists call Canada home too. — Ahmed Ali (@MrAhmednurAli) January 6, 2021 Although I … Continue reading “Death, Systemic Racism & Another Humongous Security Breech :(“
2020 — Navigating LGBT+ Diversity and Inclusion in the Tourism Industry Workshop Certificate (CGLCC)

CNIB Phone It Forward

Support CNIB by donating eligible devices that will be used to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals who are blind. If you’d like to donate your phone, please call 1-833-554-5020 to register it before you place it in the pre-paid Phone It Forward envelope.
I will never understand, but I stand with my Black Brothers and Sisters! #BlackLivesMatter

On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, was murdered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, while being arrested for allegedly using a counterfeit bill. One officer kneeled on his throat, while two others and a crowd of people looked on, and shortly after his last words “I Can’t Breath” he took his last. Something changed … Continue reading “I will never understand, but I stand with my Black Brothers and Sisters! #BlackLivesMatter”
100+ Resources for Canadian Women Entrepreneurs

Yesterday this women entrepreneur attended “Business, Government Services and You. A Spotlight on Women Entrepreneurs” in Toronto and was blown away by how all the ministries came together to make it easy to discover all the services they provide Canadian Women Entrepreneurs with. The view was amazing from Ontario Trade Centre, and I had the … Continue reading “100+ Resources for Canadian Women Entrepreneurs”
Marketing to the LGBTQ community, and why no business can afford to not to

On Marketing Mondays @1pm #LiveonFacebook I have the pleasure of interviewing Antoine El Hashem of Inspired Media Inc. about marketing to the LGBTQ community, and why no business can afford to not to. Antoine is A 30-year media and marketing expert with a speciality in LGBTQ marketing, president or INspired Media, the publisher of The … Continue reading “Marketing to the LGBTQ community, and why no business can afford to not to”