Category: Content Marketing
5 Levels of Awareness: Is your content missing the mark?

“The Five Levels of Market Awareness” is a fundamental marketing concept Eugene M. Schwartz introduced in his “Breakthrough Advertising” book, which categorizes customers based on their awareness of their problems. This allows marketers to tailor content that effectively targets and guides all qualified prospects towards a buying decision, not just some of them. Eugene M. … Continue reading “5 Levels of Awareness: Is your content missing the mark?”
Say “Yes AND” not “Yes BUT”

Most people say “Yes but” however expert communicators suggest you say… “Yes AND” which steers the conversation in a positive direction, rather than “Yes BUT” which negates their thoughts. Makes sense, right?
Bill C-18 Receives Royal Assent

With Meta and Google announcing that they will block news sharing and links on their platforms before the law takes effect, the Canadian media sector stands to lose millions of dollars with lost links, the cancellation of dozens of existing deals, and a bill that might not generate any new revenues.
11 Copywriting Frameworks make writing a Cinch

Thanks for sharing Blake Emal Great writing makes millions. OK writing makes nothing. Here are 11 copywriting frameworks to help you sell your ideas: — Blake Emal (@heyblake) September 13, 2021
Writing Resources CXOs can’t live without

Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own. Carol Burnett Whenever possible, it’s always best to hire a professional editor to review your writing, however when time and budget does not allow, there are many online writing resources you can utilize to help you. Here are some of my favourites: Spelling Oxford … Continue reading “Writing Resources CXOs can’t live without”
27 sentences about writing to hang on your wall

July 17th is World Emoji Day

World Emoji Day is celebrated on July 17th. The day promotes the use of emojis and provides an opportunity to reflect on how they’ve revolutionized our digital communication. It’s also often when new emojis are announced!
What’s your Why? People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. ~Simon Sinek

Are you following the action at #infocom2022 too?

InfoComm is a once-a-year opportunity to see new products, find the most audio/video training offered anywhere, and grow your professional network. With pavilions specific for Audio, Digital Signage, Events and Entertainment and Conferencing and Collaboration, you’ll find the tech that accelerates productivity and over 100 hours of training. If you’re not already, follow the action … Continue reading “Are you following the action at #infocom2022 too?”
Canadian Social Media Planner

A Complete List of 2022 Canadian Holidays & Special Days

Since the holidays you need to plan your content around don’t change, why don’t you (or your graphic designer) batch prepare your posts in advance? Not only will this be less stressful and save you time and money, but your readers will also appreciate the consistency and look forward to your content. JANUARY 2021 January … Continue reading “A Complete List of 2022 Canadian Holidays & Special Days”
Convert Kit

Connect with your fans, foster your community, and earn a living online with the only marketing platform built for creators, by creators.
6 Steps to Telling Your Sustainable Business Story on Social Media

Patagonia sells quality, sustainable outdoor equipment and clothing, including everything from fishing waders to moisture-wicking underwear. Their products are made to last long enough to become hand-me-downs or they’re made out of materials that can be recycled. Even Patagonia’s buildings are designed to make the least environmental impact, and manufacturing processes are constantly refined to … Continue reading “6 Steps to Telling Your Sustainable Business Story on Social Media”
Creating Accessible Websites is not only the right thing to do, it’s a marketing advantage!

Accessible websites open up your market to visitors who would otherwise leave because they aren’t able to navigate it or get all the information they need e.g. people with: vision loss who uses screen reader technology limited mobility who use a keyboard or assistive devices instead of a mouse to navigate hearing loss who needs … Continue reading “Creating Accessible Websites is not only the right thing to do, it’s a marketing advantage!”
Batch Preparing Your Holiday Posts Saves Time and Money! #DominateTheDigital

No One Wants to Be Sold!

People don’t trust advertisers anymore. Why should they when all advertisers claim their solution and service are best?
3rd party endorsements — when posted — offer ‘social proof’ and are far more believable. Would you agree?
People have less concentration that a goldfish?

It’s critical to write web pages and blog posts with the most important information at the top because chances are, people won’t read all your content. According to a 2015 study by Microsoft… The average attention span for the notoriously ill-focused goldfish is nine seconds, but according to a new study from Microsoft Corp., people now … Continue reading “People have less concentration that a goldfish?”
Know that content is king, but can’t afford a copywriter?

Most businesses spend over $1 per word on their copywriters, and it’s not uncommon to end up spending more than $5k on articles alone! I know I did, until I found this AI app, and now I pay less than 10 cents per word! TRY JASPER.AI FREE
Need help GOING LIVE on Facebook or Instagram? [VIDEO 37m09s]

On August 13th I chatted with Sandra Centorino of #RealWomenGoLive fame on #MarketingMondays@1pm. Sandra Centorino is the owner and CEO of Say it International, a benefit corporation whose mission is to teach and inspire women in business to use LIVE video. Sandra’s signature program (see below) teaches women everything about going live on Facebook and … Continue reading “Need help GOING LIVE on Facebook or Instagram? [VIDEO 37m09s]”
Grammar: The 13 Million Dollar Comma

Every time I survey people about what makes a website suck, grammar always comes up in the top 10. Typically approximately 50% of the people say that they would not deal with a company if they spotted GRAMMAR ERRORS on their website. Would YOU? Whether you would or would not, one thing is very clear. … Continue reading “Grammar: The 13 Million Dollar Comma”