As of today, you can do something about it! Register you phone number at and visit for more information about this new legislation.
Rick Spence DURHAM REGION, ON OCT. 22, 2008: Every successful small business tells a story, if you only care to ask, says Rick Spence of Profit Magazine. Spence shares these fascinating success stories at the Business in Motion conference October 22nd at the Oshawa Golf and Country Club. These thriving companies earned a spot on … Continue reading “Rick Spence headlines Business in Motion conference (Oct. 22, 2008)”
I will be away from this blog, facebook, email and other electronic addictions until June 16th as I’m off to Heart’s Delight, Newfoundland, the beautiful village my father was born in. I’m looking forward to seeing some of my relatives that I haven’t seen in years, spending time with my folks, and time away to … Continue reading “I'm off to the Rock”
Working as a team, often remotely, requires trust that a) everyone will be where they are supposed to be, when they are supposed to be, and b) that everyone’s computer is set to the proper time so communication threads don’t get lost. To this end is adopting the above office time as accurate and … Continue reading “Official Time”
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eBay strikes again in this cool directory site with some twists! Find the right area, post your free classified ad, or strike up a conversation. The trip to is well worth the visit (5/10 as at 20080129). Sue 🙂
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If you are going to be away during your usual work days e.g. holiday, please drop us a line in advance to let us know.
If so, please click on the pencil below and tell us about it. We will review in our next research project and rate accordingly. Thanks very much. Sue 🙂
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PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE INVENTOR OR SERIAL KILLER? Can you tell a coder from a cannibal? Try to work out which of the following spent their time hacking computers,and which preferred hacking away at corpses instead…